There is a diet according to which, depending on the glycemic index of the food taken, the diet is also determined. It will help reduce body weight, regulate blood sugar levels, and protect you from the development of heart disease.
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According to the authors, the diet according to the Glialkemic index will help a person lose weight and at the same time protect him from Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes) and heart diseases.
For this reason, the goal of the diet is the consumption of so-called good carbohydrates, the glycemic index of which is low. Glycemic index refers to how consumed carbohydrates affect blood sugar in the human body.
Good ones have a lower index. They are absorbed more slowly, and therefore a person feels full for a longer time. At the same time, blood sugar levels are regulated as well as metabolism.
Thus, eating good carbohydrates such as cereals, fruits and vegetables, apples, carrots will suppress appetite and help in the loss of calories.

On the other hand, bad carbohydrates, which include white bread and potatoes, increase blood sugar levels, and hence appetite.
All that dieters need to know is what glycemic index the foods they consume.
Each food item falls on the glycemic index (GI) scale from 1 to 100. Pure glucose is at number 100. And based on it, there are three food groups.:
– with a high GI when it is over 70;
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– with moderate GI when it is between 56-69;
– low GI when he’s under 55.
Here, everyone develops a suitable menu and decides for himself how much and which carbohydrates to consume.
There is debate about how much this diet will affect a person’s health and weight. The reasons are that the combination of different foods, although low GI, can also raise blood sugar, which means there is no clear rule.

However, it is recommended for breakfast to take cereals, for lunch – a sandwich of whole wheat bread, and for dinner to choose a salad instead of potatoes, for example.
Consuming carbohydrates with a low glycemic index helps weight loss. However, there is still conflicting evidence on the efficacy of the diet.
See more about glycaemia and find out what the difference is with hypoglycaemia.